Dr. Joy
Joy Work EDU empowers organizations to view their work through the lens of joy. Educator, Author, and Founder, Dr. Joy is passionate about leading those who serve children to pathways of identifying, cultivating, and exemplifying joy. She is a dedicated learner and earned a Master of Arts in Teaching degree and Doctorate in K-12 Educational Administration and Supervision. Throughout her career, she has served as a classroom teacher, professional learning facilitator, instructional coach, school administrator, college instructor, speaker and educational consultant. One of her greatest highlights as an educator is being selected to lead the implementation of personalized learning throughout her school district. This experience was phenomenal and gave her the opportunity to lead teachers to rediscover their joy in teaching and learning which directly impacted students.
Dr. Joy’s authentic work around social and emotional growth has transformed the way organizations respond to challenges As a school administrator and parent, she realized the urgent need to shift how we respond to challenging behavior and built her Back to Zero Community Engagement Program. She is leading communities in the work of establishing a common language around the idea of embracing challenges with empathy and love using research-based strategies and methods. Her participants appreciate her bold and tenacious attitude, nurturing and relational communication style, and outstanding resources. Dr. Joy embraces diversity of thought and opens a safe space for learners to grow and share stories. Her extensive training in positive interventions and behavioral approaches is evident throughout her work.

Dr. Joy is the author of two books, Back to Zero: Because Some Days are not so Easy and Joy Works: 8 Lessons for Educators. She stays connected to a network of phenomenal educators and considers herself an educator first and foremost. Also, her work in a teacher’s college allows her the opportunity to help grow future educators. Joy Work EDU has provided personalized support to organizations throughout the country and beyond and would love to explore a relationship with you. Follow us on social media @joyworkedu.
Dr. Joy's “Finding Joy in the Choice” is the most read article in the July/August/September issue of Literacy Today.